Monday, September 2, 2013

You're Still Here?!?!

Well you should be at The Drag Fish! That's where all the cool kids are. But most importantly, that's where my fabulous blogger self is at.

i have a new home and have been posting something fierce! Go check it and make sure to follow me to never get behind on my current shenanigans!

Here's what you've been missing (and my latest post):

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Blogging, Me, and The Drag Fish, Me

As you probably noticed, i've been a little absent from this blog as of late. It's been really hard trying to manage multiple blogs for all my different personalities. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

i finally decided to condense all my blogs into ONE BLOG, (now if i can figure out a way to do that with my life).

Enter my new all-in-one blogspot, The Drag Fish.

One of my favorite blogs thus far (yes, there have only been 3 entries) is "The Top 5 Hardest Things About Trying to Start Your Own Business aka Making a Living Off Your Creativity." Check it out and let me know what you think about my new home.


Friday, May 24, 2013

Faux Queen Interview and Drag Promo

Here's a little of what's been happening behind the scenes with me! Check out my interview at Corset Connection


Here is my girl diva promo for Miss Oklahoma Diva USofA (drag promo coming soon!!).

Photo by Micheal Owens at Velvet Burnout Photography.

What do you think!??!!? Let me know in the comments below.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Miss Gay USofA Classic, Gaybingo Dallas, and Drag Hangovers

i have a MAJOR drag hangover. i have been in face for the last 3 days and i am loving EVERY minute of it!

From my last Gaybingo on Saturday to Final Night of Miss Gay USofA Classic Monday night, my face is saying NO MORE!!

Here are some quick drag snaps from these last few days of drag debauchery !!

Me and my two favorite menz-Michael Hayes and Manny 

Here's a close-up my Lady Gaga Judas make-up:

A quick stage snap shot courtesy of Musico Roots Photography

SOMETHING FABULOUS!!! In their swan song number 

More flawlessness from Musico Roots photography to come later . . .

And last but not in least bit least, here is a quick snap shot of my beautiful partner and i at Miss Gay USofA classic.


And that's just the beginning of this week! More drag snaps coming your way later on this week.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Miss Gay USofA, Drag Projects, and Drag Fabulousity

Hello lovelies!! You all will be happy to know that i've been VERY busy behind the scenes working on some really cool drag queen things. Lashes, interns, and Goddesses just to name a few ;)


i'm preparing for one of THE most awesome weeks of drag and pageantry of the year! Miss Gay USofA starts this Sunday with Classic and continues through Friday with Final Night. i have been scouring the earth looking for fabulousity to wear and i think i have found the perfect attire for Classic.

i'm dancing for Edna Jean, the current Miss Lone Star USofA Classic, and she had these FLAW LESS t-shirts made.

Well dear follows, you know that i am NOT the kinda of queen who would wear a t-shirt so i decided that i would turn mine into a dress!!!

i'm going to feature my mini project on this blog so you can enjoy the oh-so drag transition of an average t-shirt.

Now if i could just find something to wear for final night.

The search continues . . . .

Monday, May 13, 2013

Looking for a Creative Intern!

i have some REALLY excited news! i am in the thick of announcing something pretty damn fantastic, but i'm also at a point where i realize i can't do everything myself . . . 


i'm am looking for a creative intern to help me out with a butt load of projects i have going on at the moment. See below for the description and how to apply.

Please feel free to email me with any questions you have!


Creative Intern

Brandi Amara Skyy is an academic, drag/faux queen, and entrepreneur who is getting ready to launch a multi medium platform catering to the drag and performance community. She is seeking a creative intern to help her behind the scenes in a variety of creative endeavors. To learn a little more about her work visit her sites and as well as her blog “The (mis)Adventures of Faux Queen Brandi Amara Skyy.”

Ideal candidate would have an interest in the art of drag, knowledge of the LGBTQ community, and a desire to learn and grow in a creative environment in conjunction with Brandi Amara Skyy and her platform.

The above are preferred but not necessary. However, an open and nonjudgmental mind is A MUST!

  • Proficient in all social media outlets
  • Grammatically conscious and creative writer
  • Word Press experience preferred but not necessary
  • Must be willing to sign an confidentiality form
  • Must be willing to work within deadlines
  • Must be able to work a minimum of 5 hours (maximum is 15 hours)
Examples of projects CI may be asked to assist on:
  • Books, including the female drag queen anthology
  • Transcribing Interviews
  • Research on a number of topics related to the subject/art of drag
  • Social Media development
  • Website maintenance and population
  • Article research and editing
  • Emails
  • Magazine content layouts/creative design
If interested, please submit cover letter introducing yourself and what you are looking to gain from this Creative Internship experience. Please do not exceed more than 1000 words and make sure to include your contact information.

Email any questions to brandiamaraskyy at


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

False Eyelashes Survey

Hello kats and kittens!

i'm doing a QUICK survey (no more than 5 minutes of your time) on performance falsies. If you are a performer of ANY kind, please take a moment to answer the survey.

Please pass along to any other performers that you know!

THANK  YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

your favorite drag diva,

Link to share:

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Faux Queen Brandi Amara Skyy Miss Oklahoma Diva USofA Winning Talent

i have yet to blog about my experience at Miss Diva Oklahoma USofA. i haven't done it for a number of reasons. The number #1 reason being is that i still haven't fully processed it yet. 

i know that it's been a month; i know that it's a long time. BUT in relationship to how long i've wanted to be a "real" pageant queen (try 10+ years) one month is not nearly enough time to digest the magnitude of this kind of win--for me at least anyway.

i am soooo proud of that win and that moment and i'm excited to share my talent with you. My humble art talent that scored a perfect score. This talent is the heart of my art and who i am and want to be as Miss Oklahoma Diva USofA and as the first ever National Miss Diva USofA.

i took a risk conceptualizing, putting together, and performing this.

It paid off.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Faux Queen / Drag Queen Recap: What's the T on Me?

Sooooo it's been a pretty awesome week! A did my faux queen/drag queen thing at a photo shoot, got some some writing, and drag, drag, and more drag!

i do so much behind the scenes (meaning bad ass drag stuff when i'm  not on my blogs) that i've decided to share them with you in my new weekly blog segment called, What's the T on Me?

Here's this week T party!

i did a photo shoot at Velvet Burnout that captured me as your normal girl next door, then boudoir  and then full Drag Queen/Faux Queen that i am! Here's a sneak peak!

Pretty cool eh? (Yea i know . . . my dress is totally crooked in the first shot!)

In case you missed it, here is the first article in The T Drag Series, Drag from A to Z.

i also took a little break from trying to create my empire to have date night with my partner. Here we are after our second margarita--you definitely don't want to see the picture after our 4th or 5th one . . . NOT PRETTY!

AWWW she's SOOO Pretty!

And here is something really cool that i found on the internet that i wish i would have though of first:


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Not Another Cat Video!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So it's the day after hump-day (i.e. Thursday), and i found this really neat cat video . . .  yea yea yea i know what you're thinking "OMG! NOT ANOTHER CAT VIDEO!!! WHAT IS THIS BLOG COMING TO?!?!?"

or if you're here to follow my dragabouts, you're probably thinking, "What the hell does this have to do with drag?!?!?

My answer: everything!

Because being an artist is hard. Some days are harder than others and some days you really just want to say, "fuck it."

So when i'm overwhelmed and i need a little "fuck it" space, this is my new go-to video.

Watch it.

It will change your life.

Or at least your "fuck it" space :)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Drag Faux Queen Series: The "T" (In 25 Things or Less)

Think of this new drag series, The T, as your one stop shop of the ins and outs, how to's, and VIP access into the fabulous world of drag!
EVERYTHING that you could know, should know, and even some things you may NOT want to know about drag, performance, make-up, etc. will be spilled in The T. 
you'll get all this fabulousity in 25 things or less?!??!
"The T" series kicks off tomorrow with Drag from A to Z --a little over 25, yes i know. But i have never been good at following directions.
Here's a little sneak peak:
I L I V E for glam drag. Glam drag is my element, my niche. But the beauty about glamour is that it’s not definitive or universal for all. My drag glam could be completely opposite of yours, yet we can still both be serving glam fish. That’s because glamour is one of those rare things that you can find any/everywhere: celebrities, architecture, food, etc. And glamour can be found in all forms of drag: gender fuck drag, subversive drag, political drag, camp drag. You name it; it’s there. The best thing about glamour is that you define it because glamour isn’t just a look, but it’s also an attitude. It’s putting 100% into your art. It’s knowing and being the best goddamn drag queen you can be. Now THAT’S fucking glam OUROUS!!!
To read the full article tomorrow go to or and click on the The T Series.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Brandi Amara Skyy Faux Queen Fabulous Musings Interview

Ever want to know more about how i came to be me?!?! Well here's your chance. Check out my fellow blogger and faux queen's interview about your favorite faux queen--ME!

Check it out here!

And while you're, there take a look around her blog. She is one FABULOUS MUSING!!!

Now go get your DRAG ON!!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Miss Oklahoma Diva USofA Part I - Contestants


i think i have finally recovered from this past weekend of FULL ON USofA pageantry. Let me start by saying that USofA is no joke. i thought that having been in a few pageants prior would have prepped me for a real system.


The people who compete in USofA come with fierce packages that each, in their own right, could take home the title.

Miss Oklahoma Diva USofA was no different.

There were 6 beautiful contestants who made pageantry history Sunday night and this blog is dedicated to them.

Photos courtesy of Dee Goodwin.

Alison in her Club Wear (LOVE the SHOES!!)

Her voice was spot on in her talent--a live rendition of "On Broadway." We were all singing along back stage!! Alison brought the house down winning interview and 1st Alternate!! She was amazing and i'm soooooo excited about our reign together and seeing her again at Nationals in November!!


Club Wear (You can't tell from this pic, but all the cherries on her dress were stoned for filth!! LIVE!)

This pic (and woman) is EVERYTHING!!! She is beautiful, classy, and came to play. Like myself, she has a long history in pageantry and i knew she was one to watch. Her talent was a beautiful mix of songs that she performed live amid stunning dance imagery. Her package was fierce and i have a feeling that i will be seeing her again VERY soon!! i LOVE LOVE LOVE her!!!!!!!!!!! 

Talent (Still singing and still in full on FACE!!)

#3 Deana Skelton

Club Wear

If Miss Oklahoma Diva had a Miss Congeniality award, it would go to Deana. She was no drama, no shade, ALL CLASS! She was humble about her talent which she sang flawlessly and she was an amazing competitor. I am in LOVE with her!

Talent (This all fringe dress is SICK!!!!!!!!!) (And this pic is EVERYTHING!)

Club Wear

Lucki was the first contestant i met and i knew right off the bat that we would get along (her name alone sold me on our friendship). She has a style and charisma that is uniquely her own and she worked the house down! Her talent was a burlesque piece and she was SICK O NEEN!!!  

Talent. This pic of Lucki is AH MAZ ING!!!! So uber talented!

Club Wear (L O V E the pose!!)

i didn't really get the chance to talk with Allyson much, but she brought it in every category! Her talent was a  sickening take Miley Cyrus' "Can't Be Tamed" cage, wings, nest, and all! She had so much energy and spunk and i can't wait to see what she will bring to the table in November!!

Talent (The birds nest and cage gave me LIFE!)

One of the most amazing things about opening yourself up and putting yourself out there is that you learn so much more than what you ever would have staying in your comfort zone. i learned that Oklahoma has a history of cisgendered/biological female pageantry and i got to meet Oklahoma's first  title holder, the ever so flawless  Sonja Martinez

i NEVER would have learned about Oklahoma's rich female drag history if i had stayed in Texas and NOT competed. I NEVER would have met ANY of these fearless women who competed alongside with me on the Copa stage had i just gone to Nationals in November. This is why we do what we do--history, experiences, and setting/raising the bar. 

All the contestants, royalty, audience, special guests, judges, and Oklahoma Diva promoter, Christina Garcia, were a part of a history that i am not even sure we ourselves realize how big it really is. 

Yes, i won but this is not about me its about us . . . 

This blog is a celebration of all the contestants of the first EVER ANYWHERE Diva USofA pageant. Together we have created the bar and set the standard for future Diva-ians.

i am truly honored and humbled to have made history with each and every one of you beautiful women; we truly are ALL winners.

Presentation. Miss Oklahoma Diva USofA 2013 Herstory - The First Six EVER!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Miss Gay Highland Park America Drag Snaps

Whew! What a fabulous week/end! The highlight of my week was definitively my performances at Miss Gay Highland Park America! Not only did i get to share the stage with some of the best queens around, but i got to do it twice!!

Here are some pics from the night. Photos courtesy of Larry the Fairy. Enjoy!

Except this photo is courtesy of my beautiful partner, Candace Collins.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Gaybingo Dallas: Return to Oz, SOMETHING FABULOUS!!!, and Shangela!!


What a FABULOUS time at Gaybingo Dallas this past Saturday! This month's theme was Return to Oz--Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH MY! 

And we rocked the full house down!! (We sold out at max capacity 450-500). Here are some of the first pics from the night and a video of our show.

More to come!!

Backstage--just finished my Elphaba mug

Me and Michael Hayes being green fish sticks:

Here is our uber special guest Shangela from RuPaul's Drag Race being flawless on stage

Final Pose of the show

And finally click here to see our show!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Miss Diva USofA or Why i Have Been Missing From my Blog



i have a really good excuse (i really do!).

THIS is why i have been a little bit absent as of late

Yep, that's right ladies, gentlemen, kats, kittens, and squirrels  The Miss Gay USofA system has (finally) added a female female impersonation circuit, i.e. faux queen, i.e. ME!!

Anyone that knows me, knows that i have wanted to be (and win) in a (what i call) a "big girl pageant" (meaning not a charity pageant). i love and have been a part of the drag and pageant circuit for so long and i still can't believe that i'm finally going to get to compete on this kind of MAJOR level. 


This is the first year that USofA is doing a Diva division and there really are NO words to describe how uber excited i am. i'm doing Miss Oklahoma because there is not a prelim in Texas (yet :)) and it really kinda is a home away from home. Miss Oklahoma Diva is a prelim to the National Title, Miss Diva USofA. And, of course, i have made it my goal to be crowned the first Miss Diva USofA.

and THAT'S why i've been MIA. i've been slaving away in my drag sweatshop for the past couple of weeks working to make my number #1 dream come true: to be a real drag pageant queen. 

It's hard. i have no life right now. i'm getting high of E6000. i have glue stuck to various parts of my body . . .


it's all worth it and i wouldn't have it any other way. 

i am finally getting a chance to fulfill a lifelong drag dream--one that i wasn't sure would EVER happen--of mine and on March 31st i get show the USofA system the fruits of all my hard labor. 

But the best part is . . . 

i get to do it with other women who love and appreciate the art of drag as much as i do. 

This is a first in the drag community and all of the Miss Diva contestants will become a part of drag history and that in and of itself insures that NO ONE will walk out of this pageant a loser. 

i'll keep ya posted!!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Drag Cap: Some VERY EXCITING Drag News

So, this week i've have some AH MAZ ING opportunities come my way. As y'all know i started bellydancing again and my welcome back reception has been beyond amazing. i was asked by Miabella, owner and director of Crescent Moon Studios, to teach a make-up workshop in April!! How FUN is that going to be?!?!??! i'm really excited about taking what i've learned about make-up as a drag queen and applying that to bellydance stage make-up. i'll post the advertisement as soon as i get it.



i am humbled, honored, and beyond excited to announce that i have been asked to be a special guest performer at Miss Gay Highland Park America. (i was shaking my head in disbelief as i type that last sentence because i STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN!!)

i cannot even begin to explain what not only being asked, but this performance means to me. i have been blessed that the Dallas drag community has over the years claimed me as one of their own. i am ETERNALLY grateful for this community.

i want to give a very special shout out to Trisha Davis for believing in my talent enough to know that i will bring a performance that is the best representation of not just myself, but of her, Miss Gay Highland Park America, and the Miss Gay America system.

i promise it will be


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

RuPaul's Drag Race ReCap! Snatches, Corsets, and Drag OH MY!!!!!!!!

Ah yes, there is nothing better on earth than adding some snatches to drag and corsets *he he*

This week's RuPaul's Drag Race main challenge was the ever polarizing Snatch Game--some people love them, some people hate them.

Wherever you fall along the Snatch Game's love/hate continuum, one thing is for sure. The Snatch Games are here to stay. So my fellow writers, bloggers, dragsters, and corsetieres . . .

May the odds be ever in your favor!

Let the Snatch Games begin!!!

Read all about it at guest blogger spot at!! Click here!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Drag Cap & Drag Snaps: Gaybingo Dallas, Bellydancing, and Miss Gay Dallas America

February has been an extremely busy month and it's looking like March is heading in that direction as well. In addition to my days in drag, i have also gotten back into bellydancing--Miabella at Crescent Moon Studios is one of the most loving and amazing women i have ever met.

Here are my favorite Drag Snaps from this past week. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Drag Queens, Death Drops, Corsets, and Me

Yea! This week's RuCap was by far my favorite! i mean, HELLO, dancing was involved so of course this is going to be the best episode EVER!

i had so much fun with this one. enjoy!!

RuPaul's Drag Race Episode 4 RuCap: Dance, Drag, and Corset Connection

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Female Drag Queen Anthology (Originally titled: Faux Queen Anthology)

Hello dragsters! i am uber excited to announce a new addition to the female drag queen anthology family!!!!!!!

Kentucky Fried Woman is coming on as our burlesque editor! She is a fierce and fabulous performer, one of the co-authors of the "Bio-Queen Manifesto," and my new and AMAZING lifelong friend!!

Photo Michelle Yoder Photography

Here's a peak at all the dragtastical things she has done:

Kentucky Fried Woman is an Oakland, CA based danceer and drag performer/emcee/producer and social justice activist. She co-founded and performs with several groups including ButchBallet & ButchTap. She also played Hermoine Granger in Hogwarts Express: The Musical and collaborates with many bay area queer performance artists. KFW is known for her wacky events like the always themed Kentucky Fried Woman Show. KFW started performing in the queer cabaret community with the Santa Barbara based troupe the Disposable Boy Toys in 2000 and went on to found the Seattle-based ground-breaking, fat positive  queer performance group the Queen Bees before relocating to Oakland. She is available to speak, produce, perform and emcee events and also teaches classes and facilitates workshops on a variety of subjects related to bodies and identity.

i LOVE this woman and i'm so excited to have her on board!

Friday, February 8, 2013

RuPaul's Drag Race & Corset Connection Blog

One of my favorite things i get to do ALL week is sit down on Monday nights, watch RuPaul's Drag Race, and then spill the Tea in my Corset Connection Blog. It's two things that i LOVE the most fashion and drag!

Haven't read this week's Tea? Read it here.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

(Mis)adventures is now on bloglovin!!

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

RuPaul's Drag Race + Corset Connection +Writer Brandi Amara Skyy = The

It's that time of year again for FULL ON fabulousity!!! Drag, corsets, shade, camp, and glamour OH MY!!! YEP it's time for RuPaul's Drag Race and this time its personal!! One of Dallas' own, Alyssa Edwards, is on the show and she came to COM PETE!!


This season Corset Connection (who has been the official corset sponsor for RuPaul's Drag U) is NOW the official sponsor of RuPaul's Drag Race! Yes HUNTY, we have arrived!

i have also traveled with Corset Connection as their official drag and corsets blogger! Every week i will be giving you the Tea on all things drag, corsets, and, yes, shade.

Let me know what you think in the comments section!

Till next week!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Netchick on Demand Show: Brandi Amara Skyy, 2 Fierce Dallas Faux Queens, and 2 Queens

Last night's Netchick on Demand show kicked off a VERY busy week for me: 2 full production shows, 1 commissioned blog, 1 pageant, 3 rehearsals, and the continuation of Project Nunway.

And if that isn't enough, i am still keeping up with my other blogs, editing the female drag anthology, transcribing my interview with the women of the "Bio Queen Manifesto," and writing my own piece.


i'm one busy queen!

Check the pics of last night show plus scroll all the way down for a video!!


All photos courtesy of LTF Productions (unless otherwise noted).


Photo Courtesy of Vanity Storm

So now that you've seen the pics are you ready to see the show?!?!? Check it out!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Baby Drag Queen Brandi Amara Skyy - Baby Fish

A lot of my drag friends on Facebook are doing Throwback Thursday with pics of themselves in their early drag (performer) years. SOOOOOO

i decided to join in the fun!! And when i say i threwback, i mean i threw waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back!! So here goes nothing!!

Eh hem *clears throat*

Ladies, Gentlemen, Kat, Kittens, and everyone in-between, i present to you Brandi Amara Skyy circa 198something (a real queen NEVER reveals her age!!). Drum roll please...

(check out my toe point!! I LIVE!!!)

Well, there you have it folks! In all my Baby Fish glory!! And the birth of a future Skyy!!

Make sure you keep checking back every Thursday for new (and more embarrassing) Throwback Thursday pics!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Gaybingo Dallas - 50 Shades of Gay

What a fabulous time and a fabulous show at Gaybingo this past Saturday!!

One of the best things about dancing with people for five + years is that you don't require a lot of rehearsal time to pull off a kick ass show!! i received a text from my dancing soul mate, Manny, on Friday about resurrecting our "Single Ladies" production and the next day (with less than an hour rehearsal and NO stage time) we pulled off a SICK O NEEN mini production.

Here are some pics of the first Gaybingo of 2013 with a video coming soon! All photos are courtesy of Cher Musico of Musico Roots Photography.

To view the entire photo album, click here. Enjoy!!