Friday, August 31, 2012

brandi amara skyy faux queen performance collection

so i've been working on finding & putting together a collection of some of my favorite performance with gaybingo dallas and various pageants. i created a youtube channel with some of these performances.

i was trying to find the first show i did as a faux queen at gaybingo, but that search continues on.

check out some of these videos and let me know what you think!

make sure you check out my channel and add me to your twitter!!

twitter: @brandiamaraskyy

Thursday, August 30, 2012

female drag anthology call for submissions - revised

so i have redrafted the call for submissions to the new drag anthology i'm editing. since i've redrafted it, i have received so many great and exciting responses. read the revised call below or click on the link.

Calling ALL Performers of “Feminine” Drag: Faux Queens, Burlesquers, Bio Queens, Femme Dragsters, Female-Female Impersonators, and Drag Queens!
Title: TBD
Who: We are looking for female identified individuals who love performing “feminine” drag including but not limited to: bio-queens, female-female impersonators, high femme dragsters, burlesque, faux queens, drag queens, etc. If you are performing as a drag queen or in woman drag, we want to hear from you!
About the project:  This anthology will explore drag from the not-often-written about or discussed female perspective. In majority of drag arenas, female performers are frequently over-looked, undervalued, and are often not  considered to be doing drag because of their choice to drag their birth gender as opposed to its opposite. But over the past few years, female dragsters have slowly begun to emerge, impact, and fashion their places in discourses of drag, gender performance, and queer consciousness. We want this anthology to create a tangible space in which we, in all our drag forms, come together to tell our stories, share our experiences, analyze ourselves in our art, and help pave the way for other female performers. Our goal is that this anthology ignites a dialogue that bridges us to one another, introduces us into discourses of gender performativity and gender identity, and ultimately deepens our connection to the fabulously flawless world of drag.
What we are looking for: Everything!! We want to engage with all aspects of women performing drag and highlight our diverse voices within it: our personal definitions, our relationships (if any) with drag queens, our lived and/or academic theories, our drag personas and how they developed, and our insatiable need to perform femininity on stage. But we also want to touch upon what goes on behind the scenes by considering questions pivotal to the female drag and drag community: is there something deeper that  bio-women need to understand before proclaiming, “I want to be a drag queen” and/or claim their place in drag? What does the emergence of female identified performers in the world of drag mean for traditional drag queens and drag theory? Is it necessary to be a lesbian and/or queer in order to perform drag? Some other ideas that could be explored:
·         Personal stories and essays on why/how you came to drag
·         Why did you choose the identifier that you did to describe your performance of drag?
·         What does drag mean to you?
·         How would you define the drag that you do?
·         Poetry about your life in drag
·         How have you been perceived by the drag community?
·         Your experiences in the drag community
·         Some of the reactions to your performances
·         Does the drag community in your area embrace what you do?
·         Funny stories, the craziest thing that’s happen to you on/off stage, worst performance, favorite performances
·         Do you believe there’s a difference between all the various female performances of drag, i.e. burlesque, faux, and traditional drag queen drag? Why or Why not?
·         Is your drag performance also your identity?
·         What inspires you? Who are your biggest influences?
·         When and how did you first learn about the female drag community?
·         Tips for those new to the world of the drag. Best advice?
·         Has your acceptance within the drag community changed because of the way you identify?
·         For the bio-female, can/is the desire to be a drag queen a transgender space? Why or why not?
·         Do you have a drag mother? If so, how did that relationship come about?

These are all just ideas to get your creative drag juices flowing! Please don’t limit yourself with this list! We want your experiences, your creativity, and your words. We would also love pictures of your performances, your drag mother, your first time in drag . . . send it all! (But please don’t forget to include your name—drag or real—and some detail about the pictures.) Please forward this call for submissions to any and every one you think would be interested.
Anthology information: Publication date will Summer 2013 with a to-be-determined publisher.  We will keep you posted on the project status.

Submission Guidelines: Please include a short bio of yourself. Email your submissions to: or mail them to: Female Drag Anthology, PO Box 195212, Dallas, TX 75219.

Submission Deadline: January 1, 2013

Please feel free to send any questions, comments, and/or ideas to:

For more information on faux queens and/or to join our virtual community, please visit: and/or

[1] This call was originally titled “The Faux Queen Anthology.” However, we received a lot of emails about wanting to submit, but being unsure if this anthology included their performance or identity because they didn’t necessarily identify as a faux queen. So we have modified the call to reflect the anthology’s inclusivity that wasn’t adequately portrayed in the initial call. If you consider what you do drag, then we want to hear about it!!

this seasons must drag read (or look through)

this is a must have for any queen!

dr.a.g.  (English, Dutch, French and Italian Edition)

Monday, August 27, 2012

my week in drag

i'm really excited about the happenings in the dallas drag world this week:

Rose Room Newcomer of the Year Pageant

this is/was the other pageant that i wanted to do this year, but it just didn't work out. so instead of competing, i'm going to head out to support the other new/up-and-coming drag queens/kings/performers. but mark my glitter coated words: this time next year, it will be newcomer domination. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

miss gay highland park america

i'm soooo excited to be judging miss gay highland park america this evening! just finished male interview and it has me uber-excited about the competition this evening. seven wonderful and diverse contestants.

now i just need to figure out how many eyelashes i what to wear this evening . . .

Thursday, August 16, 2012

brandi amara skyy - miss lifewalk 2012 talent

so i know it's been a while BUT...
i'm uber-excited to share with you a fan made video of my cosmic love florence + the machine talent.
let me know what you think!!!!
pics coming soon!!