Think of this new drag series, The T, as your one stop shop of the ins and outs, how to's, and VIP access into the fabulous world of drag!
EVERYTHING that you could know, should know, and even some things you may NOT want to know about drag, performance, make-up, etc. will be spilled in The T.
you'll get all this fabulousity in 25 things or less?!??!
"The T" series kicks off tomorrow with Drag from A to Z --a little over 25, yes i know. But i have never been good at following directions.
Here's a little sneak peak:
I L I V E for glam drag. Glam drag is my element, my niche. But the beauty about glamour is that it’s not definitive or universal for all. My drag glam could be completely opposite of yours, yet we can still both be serving glam fish. That’s because glamour is one of those rare things that you can find any/everywhere: celebrities, architecture, food, etc. And glamour can be found in all forms of drag: gender fuck drag, subversive drag, political drag, camp drag. You name it; it’s there. The best thing about glamour is that you define it because glamour isn’t just a look, but it’s also an attitude. It’s putting 100% into your art. It’s knowing and being the best goddamn drag queen you can be. Now THAT’S fucking glam OUROUS!!!
To read the full article tomorrow go to or and click on the The T Series.
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