Friday, May 24, 2013

Faux Queen Interview and Drag Promo

Here's a little of what's been happening behind the scenes with me! Check out my interview at Corset Connection


Here is my girl diva promo for Miss Oklahoma Diva USofA (drag promo coming soon!!).

Photo by Micheal Owens at Velvet Burnout Photography.

What do you think!??!!? Let me know in the comments below.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Miss Gay USofA Classic, Gaybingo Dallas, and Drag Hangovers

i have a MAJOR drag hangover. i have been in face for the last 3 days and i am loving EVERY minute of it!

From my last Gaybingo on Saturday to Final Night of Miss Gay USofA Classic Monday night, my face is saying NO MORE!!

Here are some quick drag snaps from these last few days of drag debauchery !!

Me and my two favorite menz-Michael Hayes and Manny 

Here's a close-up my Lady Gaga Judas make-up:

A quick stage snap shot courtesy of Musico Roots Photography

SOMETHING FABULOUS!!! In their swan song number 

More flawlessness from Musico Roots photography to come later . . .

And last but not in least bit least, here is a quick snap shot of my beautiful partner and i at Miss Gay USofA classic.


And that's just the beginning of this week! More drag snaps coming your way later on this week.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Miss Gay USofA, Drag Projects, and Drag Fabulousity

Hello lovelies!! You all will be happy to know that i've been VERY busy behind the scenes working on some really cool drag queen things. Lashes, interns, and Goddesses just to name a few ;)


i'm preparing for one of THE most awesome weeks of drag and pageantry of the year! Miss Gay USofA starts this Sunday with Classic and continues through Friday with Final Night. i have been scouring the earth looking for fabulousity to wear and i think i have found the perfect attire for Classic.

i'm dancing for Edna Jean, the current Miss Lone Star USofA Classic, and she had these FLAW LESS t-shirts made.

Well dear follows, you know that i am NOT the kinda of queen who would wear a t-shirt so i decided that i would turn mine into a dress!!!

i'm going to feature my mini project on this blog so you can enjoy the oh-so drag transition of an average t-shirt.

Now if i could just find something to wear for final night.

The search continues . . . .

Monday, May 13, 2013

Looking for a Creative Intern!

i have some REALLY excited news! i am in the thick of announcing something pretty damn fantastic, but i'm also at a point where i realize i can't do everything myself . . . 


i'm am looking for a creative intern to help me out with a butt load of projects i have going on at the moment. See below for the description and how to apply.

Please feel free to email me with any questions you have!


Creative Intern

Brandi Amara Skyy is an academic, drag/faux queen, and entrepreneur who is getting ready to launch a multi medium platform catering to the drag and performance community. She is seeking a creative intern to help her behind the scenes in a variety of creative endeavors. To learn a little more about her work visit her sites and as well as her blog “The (mis)Adventures of Faux Queen Brandi Amara Skyy.”

Ideal candidate would have an interest in the art of drag, knowledge of the LGBTQ community, and a desire to learn and grow in a creative environment in conjunction with Brandi Amara Skyy and her platform.

The above are preferred but not necessary. However, an open and nonjudgmental mind is A MUST!

  • Proficient in all social media outlets
  • Grammatically conscious and creative writer
  • Word Press experience preferred but not necessary
  • Must be willing to sign an confidentiality form
  • Must be willing to work within deadlines
  • Must be able to work a minimum of 5 hours (maximum is 15 hours)
Examples of projects CI may be asked to assist on:
  • Books, including the female drag queen anthology
  • Transcribing Interviews
  • Research on a number of topics related to the subject/art of drag
  • Social Media development
  • Website maintenance and population
  • Article research and editing
  • Emails
  • Magazine content layouts/creative design
If interested, please submit cover letter introducing yourself and what you are looking to gain from this Creative Internship experience. Please do not exceed more than 1000 words and make sure to include your contact information.

Email any questions to brandiamaraskyy at


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

False Eyelashes Survey

Hello kats and kittens!

i'm doing a QUICK survey (no more than 5 minutes of your time) on performance falsies. If you are a performer of ANY kind, please take a moment to answer the survey.

Please pass along to any other performers that you know!

THANK  YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

your favorite drag diva,

Link to share:

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Faux Queen Brandi Amara Skyy Miss Oklahoma Diva USofA Winning Talent

i have yet to blog about my experience at Miss Diva Oklahoma USofA. i haven't done it for a number of reasons. The number #1 reason being is that i still haven't fully processed it yet. 

i know that it's been a month; i know that it's a long time. BUT in relationship to how long i've wanted to be a "real" pageant queen (try 10+ years) one month is not nearly enough time to digest the magnitude of this kind of win--for me at least anyway.

i am soooo proud of that win and that moment and i'm excited to share my talent with you. My humble art talent that scored a perfect score. This talent is the heart of my art and who i am and want to be as Miss Oklahoma Diva USofA and as the first ever National Miss Diva USofA.

i took a risk conceptualizing, putting together, and performing this.

It paid off.
